Published on by Claire Richard - updated on

A venue for expression and exchange, bringing together innovative young companies working in the construction and infrastructure sector.

At the heart of the show, under the marquee, come and meet the start-ups in attendance.

Organised in partnership with Impulse Partners, which develops innovation platforms whose aim is to accelerate innovation in the world of building and public works, real estate and smart cities by creating the conditions for meetings and collaboration between innovative start-ups and key account project owners, this is your opportunity to meet 10 start-ups. 

These companies have already signed up: 

  • 360 SmartConnect : Goodbye papers! With 360 SmartConnect, digitize every information and document concerning your objects. And make them accessible simply in a few clicks, from the object using a QR Code / NFC or remotely from your computer.
Logo de 360 SmartConnect qui sera présent au village start-up sur le salon construction days


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  • LEXTAN : this French start-up designs, integrates and markets remote driving solutions for connected vehicles specialising in goods mobility. 
    At Construction Days, Lextan’s displayed solutions will include its PROXIMA project: a system for the remote operation of connected machines and vehicles, designed for lifting and handling activities. It allows remote driving with the same visual, sound and tactile perception as on board the machine by providing driving assistance services to improve productivity while increasing risk prevention. In practice, PROXIMA is a remote and immersive driving cab that offers hybrid driving, whether in autonomous or manual mode. This enables collaborative driving and the management of multi-site fleets. Finally, PROXIMA integrates all the MIZAR features.
Logo de Lextan qui sera présent au village start-up du salon construction days


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  • SHAREMAT : ShareMat helps its clients get more out of the use of their construction equipment. By organising the relations between participants around the digitised item of equipment, the digital twin, ShareMat helps reduce time spent on managing a fleet and improving its rotation. The optimisation of the fleet is further extended by sharing its use between trusted partners who have online access to available equipment nearby them.

Logo inline de ShareMat qui sera présent au village start-up sur le salon construction days
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